PhD student in Engineering of Switchable Peptide-based Nanopores

Research and graduate education at the department of chemistry and molecular biology comprises a wide scientific field from the atomic and molecular levels all the way through cells to intact organisms. Much of the phenomena studied here impact on our natural environment and living systems. We participate in undergraduate programs in chemistry, molecular biology, medicinal chemistry, biology, marine sciences, and pharmacy.

A third cycle education at our department will lead to a Ph.D. in Natural sciences, or Natural sciences with a specialisation in Chemistry, Biology or Biophysics. Ph.D. studies comprises four years at the post graduate level. The time period can be extended to 5 years in total through teaching and/or other departmental duties.

We are seeking a highly motivated and talented person for chemical synthesis of switchable peptide-based nanopores. The basic principle of a modified nanopore is to detect chemical or physical properties transducing them through a microelectronic device into electrical signals. Therefore, such pores a highly suitable to be incorporated into miniaturized electronic components for biomedical or analytical applications. In living organisms, the transport of ions is performed by ion channels and transporters. Basic principles of the working mechanism and the reason for their efficiency/high selectivity are well understood to date. However, their functionality is only provided in mechanical instable lipid membranes. Synthetic nanopores are mainly based on silica materials or organic polymers and were demonstrated to be useful as sensory devices for analytical applications. Unfortunately, their sensitivity and selectivity are much lower than for biological pores. Thus, the combination of biological and synthetic nanopores as a hybrid pore system should overcome current limitations of conventional pore systems. Therefore, the major objective of this project is to engineer hybrid systems based on functional peptides attached to a carrier (e.g. polymer nanopore).
  • Solid phase peptide synthesis
  • Liquid-phase synthesis (Organic chemistry)
  • Conjugation techniques
  • Analytical and preparative HPLC, Mass spectrometry (ESI)
  • CD and NMR spectroscopy
  • Fluorescence microscopy
  • Current-voltage (IV) measurements
The candidate will be part of a Wallenberg Centre for Molecular and Translational Medicine in Gothenburg (

Job assignments

The candidate will synthesize functional peptides and perform their attachment to a solid carrier developing novel functional materials using de novo hybrid system design, SPPS, conjugation techniques (click chemistry) including purification (HPLC), mass spectrometric, fluorescence microscopic and current-voltage characterization.


Applicant should have a Diploma or Master’s degree in Chemistry, Biomolecular engineering, Biochemistry, Biotechnology or Material Science. We are seeking for highly motivated people wishing to pursue their career in science with a competitive CV (Master-Thesis score: “sehr gut” in the German score system, “excellent”), regular period of study, capacity for team working and ability to perform independent work. Applicant should have an integrative and cooperative personality with enthusiasm for actively participating in interdisciplinary network with very good communication and writing skills (English). The employment is limited (temporary), full time and is placed at the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology (
The specific entry requirements also include an acceptable command of spoken and written English. Guidelines for assessing English proficiency may include a minimum score of 550 on the TOEFL test (or 213 on the TOEFL-CBT, or 79 on the TOEFL-iBT).


The applicant must have a background in organic chemistry, experience in conjugation techniques, and preferably peptide chemistry and engineering of hybrid systems. Experience in fluorescence microscopy or IV-measurements is beneficial. The successful applicant is expected to plan, execute and analyse experiments in an independent manner and to actively contribute scientifically to the group. Candidates must have excellent oral and written communication skills in English.


Type of employment: Fixed-term employment, Four years full time
Extent: 100 %
Location: Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, Gothenburg
First day of employment: as agreed upon
Regulations for the evaluation of qualifications for education on a doctoral level are given in SFS 1998:80.
A new employment as a PhD student applies for a maximum of one year. The Appointment may be prolonged for up to two years at a time. The total employment period may not be longer than the equivalent of four years of full time time doctoral studies.

Appointment procedure

Please apply online
The application shall include:
Cover letter with an explanation of why you apply for the position
CV including scientific publications
Copy of exam certificate
Two references (name, telephone no, relation)

For further information regarding the position

Regarding the position please contact: Alesia A. Tietze, Associate Senior Lecturer,, +46 31 786 6248
Regarding the appointment procedure, please contact: Catarina Mörck, Human resources administrator,, + 46 31 786 2561

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