AU$95,564 Integrated Water Centre Scholarships For International Students, Australia

Full-tuition scholarship

There is one full-tuition scholarship available, targeted at international candidates who meet the minimum eligibility requirements, hold citizenship and currently live in one of the priority Type A countries. You can view the full list of ‘Type A’ countries here.
Value for this scholarship is AU$95,564, which covers:
This scholarship is available to citizens of
‘Type A’ countries. These include select countries in Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Caribbean, Africa and Middle East. You can view the full list of ‘Type A’ countries here.
All scholarship candidates must meet the following minimum eligibility requirements:
  1. A completed undergraduate degree in a related field of study from an internationally-recognised institution.
  2. Two years of professional experience (paid work or volunteering experience relevant to the program.
  3. Receive a full offer of admission into the MIWM program from Griffith University.

The Scholarship Selection Panel will then use the selection criteria to rank competitive applications and to decide on the successful recipients. You can view the selection criteria in the Terms & Conditions here.

Applicants who apply for the scholarship must first apply for admission into Griffith University and meet the admission requirements.
STEP 1. Apply for admission into the MIWM program through Griffith University
Click here to access the link to the online Griffith University admission application form
*Applicants for the IWM scholarships must submit their application for the MIWM program by 1st August 2020

STEP 2. Apply for an IWC IWM Scholarship
Click here to access the link to the online IWC scholarship application form
*Online applications for the scholarships open on 18th May and will close on 1st August 2020

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