Call for members of the WHO Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Antimicrobial Resistance (STAG-AMR)

The World Health Organization (WHO) is soliciting proposals globally for nominations of experts to serve on its Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Antimicrobial resistance (STAG-AMR). Established in September 2013, STAG-AMR advises the WHO Director-General and the AMR Division on overall global policies and strategies to address AMR within the context of human health, while considering relevant World Health Assembly (WHA) resolutions and decisions. The mandate of STAG-AMR is to provide strategic and technical advice.
The STAG-AMR shall have the following functions:

  1. To review progress in the implementation of WHO’s priority activities to tackle AMR in countries consistent with WHO’s mandate, relevant WHA resolutions and decisions, and the strategic objectives of the Global Action Plan on AMR, and make recommendations;
  2. To provide an independent evaluation of the major strategic, scientific and technical challenges and opportunities to be addressed by WHO in order to enhance progress in addressing AMR in the context of human health;
  3. To review the adequacy of WHO’s response to emerging national and global public health risks with regard to AMR and make recommendations;
  4. To review and make recommendations on the status of linkages between AMR and other health interventions, and other relevant sectors;
  5. To review and make recommendations on WHO’s engagement in partnerships to enhance the achievement of global AMR goals.
The STAG-AMR has no executive or regulatory function. Members serve in an individual capacity and do not represent institutions or constituencies or interest groups. Members of STAG-AMR have a responsibility to provide WHO with high quality, well considered advice and recommendations as per STAG-AMR terms of reference. The working language of the meeting and documentation is English.
The closing date for receipt of applications is 21 June 2020.
Requirements and application for membership of STAG-AMR
STAG-AMR members are expected to have policy and programmatic expertise representing a broad range of professional areas (i.e. academia, medical profession, research institutes, public health departments, and civil society including faith-based organizations). The working language will be English.

Areas of expertise required:
The following areas of expertise—relating specifically to antimicrobial resistance—are of particular interest:
  • Awareness raising, health workforce education, and behaviour change
  • Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance, antimicrobial use, and lab strengthening
  • Antimicrobial use and stewardship
  • Infection prevention and control (community and healthcare facilities)
  • Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) (community and healthcare facilities)
  • Management of national-level public health programmes, including, but not limited to AMR
  • Health metrics, Health Economics, Monitoring & Evaluation
  • Pharmaceutical regulations, and national health policy development and enforcement, including fair access to quality antimicrobial medicines and health care
  • Research & Development – priority pathogens, antimicrobial pipeline, new diagnostics, new preventive and therapeutic options, implementation science
  • Health governance, Inter-Ministry and Inter-agency coordination and collaboration
  • Human-animal interface with impact on human health
Selection criteria
In assessing applications, the following criteria will be used:
  • track record within areas of expertise, including progress in programme implementation, national/global health policy development and enforcement, research and publications;
  • direct or indirect experience in low and middle-income countries
  • expertise and experience in cross-cutting issues;
  • expertise and experience in national/regional/global advisory bodies;
  • diversity of gender and geographical origin.
Appointments to STAG-AMR are not remunerated. However, members will be compensated for expenses related to attendance at meetings. Such compensation, which includes the issuance of airline tickets, per diem to cover lodging, food and incidental expenses will be in accordance with the WHO travel rules.

Time commitment
STAG-AMR meetings will normally occur at least once a year, however, frequency will be adjusted as necessary. The STAG-AMR meetings may either be held in person (at WHO headquarters in Geneva or another location as determined by WHO) or through video- or teleconferences.

Conflict of Interests
You should note particularly the requirement to declare any potential conflict of interests that arises during STAG-AMR tenure and the need to declare any relevant business interests, positions of authority or other connections with organizations relevant to the work of STAG-AMR. Any actual or perceived conflict of interests will be fully explored by the Secretariat.
Members with specific declared interests will be asked to recuse themselves from participating in the discussion and/or decision-making of the issues relating to that interest. A member who is in any doubt as to whether they have an interest which should be declared, or whether they should take part in the proceedings, should ask the Secretariat for guidance.

Selection process and tenure
Applications will be reviewed by a selection panel, which will propose the selection of nominees to the WHO Director-General for appointment. Consideration will be given to ensuring appropriate geographic representation and gender balance, along with strategic and technical expertise.
  • Members, including the Chair and co-Chair, will be appointed for an initial period of three years.
  • Appointments are renewable at the end of the first period of office, in a staggered manner, subject to satisfactory appraisal.
How to apply
To apply, please access the link below to complete a brief questionnaire, upload a letter of interest that includes a short Bio of the candidate and indicate the potential contribution of the nominee to STAG-AMR (maximum 1 page), and upload your curriculum vitae. The letter and CV should be written in English.

Following receipt of application, each applicant will receive a confirmation email with a unique link to an online Declaration of Interest (DOI) Form and Confidentiality Undertaking Form which must be completed and returned to the online address provided.

For further clarifications or any related issues please contact Self-nominations are welcomed. For nominations submitted by a third party, the nominees will be contacted by the secretariat and expected to confirm their interest through submission of a complete application package.

Deadline for application is 21 June 2020.

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