ICGEB Short-Term Postdoctoral Fellowships

In ICGEB Laboratories: ICGEB offers Short-term fellowships for Postdoctoral studies in ICGEB Component laboratories to fund ongoing collaborative research between scientists from ICGEB Member States and research groups at ICGEB laboratories in Trieste, Italy, New Delhi, India and Cape Town, South Africa, with the aim of facilitating access to the latest research techniques and to strengthen capacity building.

Closing Dates for Applications: Extended to
15 April, and 30 September 2020

Guidelines for Application

To ApplyApplicants should contact the ICGEB Group Leader/PI of their choice with a motivation letter, to determine availability of laboratory space and to define the research project proposal that will form an integral part of the application.
EligibilityApplicants must be nationals of an ICGEB Member State and may not apply for fellowships to be undertaken in their country of origin, unless working abroad at the time of application.
Degree requirements: applicants should hold a recent PhD in Life Sciences or have at least 3 years research experience.
Candidates must have a good working knowledge of the English language, supported by a proficiency certificate (TOEFL, Cambridge Certificate, or equivalent). Not required when scholastic education has been undertaken in English.
Financial supportDuration: 1-6 months
Monthly stipend: Trieste (Italy): Euro 2,000, New Delhi (India): US$ 1,590, Cape Town (South Africa): ZAR 18,750.
Travel: the fellowship includes provision for travel expenses from the participant’s home country to the ICGEB lab at the beginning of the fellowship and a return travel provision upon completion of the fellowship.
Medical health insurance coverage is provided for the duration of the fellowship.
Visa/permit of stay application and renewal costs are reimbursed.
ICGEB makes no financial provision, nor can it provide administrative support for family members of participants in the programme.
SubmissionPlease complete this application on line.
Only one application per call is accepted for each candidate.
SelectionThe ICGEB Fellowships Selection Committee will evaluate complete applications received by the closing date. The candidates will be notified of the outcome by e-mail as soon as possible following the closing date for applications. The main criteria for selection include the scientific excellence of the project, the qualities of the candidate’s CV and the potential benefit for the home country.
AccommodationICGEB Trieste: A Housing Service is run through the Welcome Office – Friuli Venezia Giulia; ICGEB New Delhi: A Guest House is run on campus, on a twin-share basis, for a nominal rate.ICGEB Cape Town: Accommodation support is provided to fellows. Arrangements are agreed prior arrival. To apply visit: https://www.icgeb.org/activities/fellowship/guidelines-and-application-form-arturo-falaschi-short-term-postdoc-fellowships/

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