The Kemper and Leila Williams Prize in Louisiana History

The Kemper and Leila Williams Prize in Louisiana History, offered annually by The Historic New Orleans Collection and the Louisiana Historical Association since 1974, recognizes excellence in research and writing on Louisiana. The prize, which includes a cash award of $1,500 and a plaque, is presented each March at the LHA’s annual meeting.
The 2019 Winner
Sophie White, Voices of the Enslaved: Love, Labor, and Longing in French Louisiana (Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture/University of North Carolina Press)

Nominations: The Williams Prize Committee invites nominations of works published in the 2018 calendar year exploring any aspect of Louisiana history and culture, or placing Louisiana subjects in a regional, national, or international context. Submit four (4) copies of the nominated work AND four (4) copies of the nomination form to the address listed on the form.

Deadline: Nominations for the 2020 Williams Prize are due January 15, 2021. The prize committee encourages authors and presses to submit works throughout the year as they are published. Authors should contact their publishers to insure timely submission. Late submissions will not be considered.

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