JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan (Pathway to University Positions in Japan) 2021

The purpose of this program is to promote the employment of overseas researchers in full-time position at Japanese universities and research institutions. It offers the institutions a funded means of inviting postdoctoral researchers from other countries to do pre-employment research in their institutions.
The applicant must be the head of a university or research institution which must have a clearly defined vision for achieving the internationalization of its research and education programs by promotiong the employment of overseas researchers.
  1. History
    The “JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan (Pathway to University Positions in Japan)” has been started to provide a step in preparing overseas researchers to become full-time researchers at Japanese universities and other research institutions since 2013.
  2. Fields of Research
    All fields of
    the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences.
  3. Duration
    12 to 24 months
  4. Fellow Eligibility
    (1) Be a citizen of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan (JSPS treats Taiwanese and Palestinian researchers in this manner).
    (2) Hold a doctorate degree when the Fellowship goes into effect, which must have been received within the past 10 years, or be scheduled to receive a doctorate degree before the Fellowship goes into effect.
    (3) Have a desire to continue engaging in research and education at the host institution in a full-time employment capacity.
  5. Host Eligibility
    The host researcher must be a researcher who is employed full-time at a university or research institution as specified in Article 2 of the Procedure for the Handling of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi), issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). (Jokyo, assistant professor, and Joshu, research assistant, are excluded.) However, there are cases when a researcher not employed in a full time position may be eligible. Such persons must be eligible to apply for a KAKENHI grant–in-aid and his/her affiliated institution must judge them able to implement the project and to provide an appropriate research environment (e.g., laboratory, equipment, personnel) for it.
  6. Term of Award
    (1) Air ticket (payment in kind, economy class)
    (2) Overseas travel insurance
    (3) Monthly maintenance allowance of ¥387,600
    (4) Settling-in allowance of ¥200,000
    (5) "Grant-In-Aid for JSPS Fellows" (Tokubetsu Kenkyuin Shorei-hi) of up to ¥1,500,000 per year (total of ¥3,000,000 for two years) 

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